How to score 10A* in IGCSE (Part IV)
11. Finding your prime studying time It is scientifically proven that everyone has an optimal hour where the mind & body is most productive. My tutor suggested that I attempt waking up at 4am to study on a daily basis to see if it works. Haha I was that desperate that I tried. About 1 month before my IGCSEs, I rose at 4am each day to study. During the initial few days, it was difficult (duh) but soon after, my body clock adjusted accordingly and I starting waking up at 4am daily even without the help of an alarm clock. Why is 4am a prime studying time? At 4am, it is soothingly quiet. My pet peeve when studying is having too many distractions and background noise. I want it to be so quiet that I can only hear my own thoughts. Hence, studying at 4am was perfect for me. I literally finished twice as much during those 3 hours as compared to the rest of the day. Perhaps 4am isn't your prime time, that's perfectly fine as well. Experiment w...