
Showing posts from August, 2016

How to score 10A* in IGCSE (Part IV)

11. Finding your prime studying time It is scientifically proven that everyone has an optimal hour where the mind & body is most productive.  My tutor suggested that I attempt waking up at 4am to study on a daily basis to see if it works. Haha I was that desperate that I tried. About 1 month before my IGCSEs, I rose at 4am each day to study. During the initial few days, it was difficult (duh) but soon after, my body clock adjusted accordingly and I starting waking up at 4am daily even without the help of an alarm clock.  Why is 4am a prime studying time? At 4am, it is soothingly quiet. My pet peeve when studying is having too many distractions and background noise. I want it to be so quiet that I can only hear my own thoughts. Hence, studying at 4am was perfect for me. I literally finished twice as much during those 3 hours as compared to the rest of the day.  Perhaps 4am isn't your prime time, that's perfectly fine as well. Experiment w...

How to score 10A* in IGCSE Part (III)

Hey guys! As promised, here's yet another continuation of  "How to get 10A* in IGCSE". PART (III) 7. Consistency This sounds extremely cliche, but procrastinating & only studying when exams approach is a big no no. Unless of course, you are effortlessly brilliant and can absorb information like a sponge, then eh, I hate you HAHA but assuming that most of us are normal students, I cannot emphasise enough on the importance of keeping a steady pace. What do I mean by that? At the start of every week, set your mind to complete 1 chapter of each subject by the end of the week. Set reasonable goals and stick strictly to it (or at least try to). Consistency is key to ensuring that you don't accumulate a mountain of information to digest just days away from your trials and stuff. At least 3 months before your IGCSEs, you should already be done with your syllabus and should be starting on past year papers. I finished my IGCSE syllabus at the start of Feb...